The complaint charges all three of these Federal employee's with conspiracy (under the color of law).
Larry Echo Hawk
The plaintiff Joe Liska States that the defendant(s) are being sued in their Official Capacity and their agencies are liable for their mis-conduct .Liska states Karen Hewitt resigned when he informed the court of mis-conduct in her office and Larry Echo Hawk resigned when Liska challenged him in court regarding his administrative procedures (in the current civil rights suit).The plaintiff Joe Liska is defending himself (pro se) without an attorney and Liska state's its like "david vs goliath" in Federal Court. The plaintiff Liska states he seeks Justice and wants Eric Holders Office to step up and except the fact that his San Diego office placed him in "harms way," and could have gotten him killed.
The U.S Attorney General's Office and the U.S Bureau of Indian Affairs are in Default now and are refusing to answer to the complaint Liska stated.