

Monday, September 3, 2012

MAX SHACKNAI CASE (Homicide is more Accurate)New Doctor concluded

New report says Max Shacknai's death was homicide

A new report refutes the finding that Max Shacknai, the six year old son of millionaire Jonah Shacknai died due to an accident at the Spreckles mansion in Coronado in July of 2011. The report suggests the boy died a result of a homicide.

The report summarizes the findings of two independent experts hired by the boy's mother Dina. One is Robert Bove, PhD, who is an injury biomechanics expert. He reconstructs accidents, and analyzes injuries from these accidents. The second expert is Dr. Judy Melinek, a pathologist who is a Harvard grad, and an assistant medical examiner at UCSF. She was also a clinical instructor in forensic medicine at NYU.

"The accidental scenario that was purported or put forward by the Coronado Police Department is not accurate," said Dina Shacknai. "The experts' findings was that Max was assaulted and
Dr Melinek wrote, "It is my opinion that Maxfield Shacknai's injuries are not consistent with the scenario depicted… "
She cited the boy's center of gravity would have been too low to go over the bannister on his own, the pattern of injury on the boy's back is not consistent with an impact of the bannister, and the skull fracture contusion indicates that the primary fall impact was against the top of Max's head, and not the right as stated in the original report.
The most riveting statement in Dr. Melinek's report is: "A more reasonable scenario... is that Maxfield was assaulted by another person at the hallway, near the banister on the second floor. The perpetrator injured his face and shoulder and Maxfield then was pushed against or backed into the second story railing, causing the patterned injuries along his back. Then, he was either lifted over the banister or he escaped over the banister, falling down to the front entryway, below. He landed on the top of his head…"

The doctor concluded, "it would be more accurate to certify this manner of death… as a homicide, where homicide is defined as death at the hands of another."

The Coronado police Department responded with a brief statement

"We did meet with Dina Shacknai last week, and will review the information provided."

TUCSON AZ (BANK Robber) Turns himself in at Police Stations nobody there (GOES to JAIL)


TUCSON - A man has turned himself into the Pima County Jail after his ex-girlfriend persuaded him.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department say 48-year-old William David Leverett showed up at the Pima County Jail Saturday morning.
Deputies say his ex-girlfriend convinced him to go directly to authories, after seeing his surveillance photos on the local news.
According to Deputy Tom Peine, they drove first to the Tucson Police Department on Stone Avenue. They weren't able to make contact with anyone there, so they drove to the police station on Miracle Mile, which was also unattended. They then decided to go to the Pima County Jail.

Leverett is charged with robbing a bank in Green Valley and another one on Ina Road.
His booking photograph is being withheld for investigative purposes.
Tucson Police Sgt. Chris Widmer says Leverett is the same person the FBI dubbed smokey and bandit robber. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

MEXICO (Cartel BOSS CAUGHT) KILLED men and women

"EL DIABLO" Captured CDG Boss of Monterrey
Sunday, September 2, 2012 |
Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Mexico City. Federal Police arrested David Rosales Guzman and l Comandante Diablo , identified as the head of theGulf Cartel plaza in Monterrey, said Luis Cardenas Palomino, head of the Regional Security Division of the Ministry of Public Security.
Rosales Guzman has been linked to killings, kidnappings, extortion and attacks at various bars in Monterrey, including Makiavelo bar that left three dead on August 8, and the bar Matehuala, where nine people died on 14 March.
Also it is related to the killing of two men who were hanged on a pedestrian bridge in Monterrey limits and San Nicolas de los Garza,
Diablo Transported in this vehicle
Diablo was first transported to this hanger
"He was in charge of coordinating and ordering the killings of members of rival groups, conducting extortion bars and nightclubs and drug distribution" in Monterrey, said Palomino. "provided weapons to the members under his command, which operated in Monterrey , it is known that drugs and weapons were brought from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, where other members of the Gulf Cartel, and were coordinated with David Rosales for such activities, it is known also with ties to the municipal police of Nuevo Leon" he said.

The capture, s
aid Palomino from the Command Center in Iztapalapa, occurred yesterday in the Colonia Independcia, in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, Diablo tried to flee but was captured and placed aboard a van to a hanger, then transported to prison where he will be detained and presumably arrested, charged and brought to justice.
Some crimes where David Rosales Guzman is linked directly:
• The killing of two men, who were hanged on a pedestrian bridge between the limits of Monterrey and San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, on August 8, 2012.
• The killing of three people, the August 8, 2012, outside the bar "Makiavelo".
• The attack on the bar called "Matehuala" in Monterrey on August 14, 2012, which killed nine people and injured three others.
• Attacks on the bars "Azul Tequila" bar "Jugs 2" and bar "Eternity" on August 20, 2012, where a woman died
• On Wednesday led the murder and kidnapping of four people, who were located at mitres colony center in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon

PASADENA (Pumpkin Vandalism) 300 pound pumpkin destroyed

PASADENA — Prize-winning gardener Mae Powell's giant pumpkins have been a source of pride in her east Pasadena neighborhood for years, but neighbors were shocked Friday morning to see the pumpkins in pieces strewn along the street in front of her house.

One of the pumpkins destroyed was a 300 pound “giant pumpkin” Powell, 93, was planning to enter into the “Pumpkinmania” weigh-off contest in Irvine this October. But now, she said, it's ruined.

Mae Powell, 93, stands in front of a 300 pound giant pumpkin she had planned to enter into a contest this fall. The pumpkin was impaled by vandals Thursday night. (Lauren Gold, Staff)
year I win a prize,” she said, “but I can't enter this one now. ... Who knows what I'll do.”

Powell had also planned to donate the other four broken pumpkins to the Huntington Library's Children's Garden, which she has done for five years.

Powell said she filed a police report and is offering a $1,000 reward for anyone with information about the vandalism.

Powell filed a vandalism report with the Temple City Sheriff's Station, but Lt. Ignacio Somoano said there was no “workable information” at this point. Ignacio said the vandalism caused $200 in damage.

Read more: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_21444983/pasadena-womans-prize-winning-pumpkins-destroyed#ixzz25KNfJPFx

MADONNA ( 2 Hours late for Concert) Fan tells CBS "she stinks"

What's up with Madonna's concert behavior? She's flashed body parts, performed with a swastika superimposed on her face, pointed a gun at herself on stage, and now she's irritated fans by making them wait two and a half hours past the scheduled starting time of her Philadelphia concert.
According to CBS Philly, the premiere stop on her first U.S. tour in four years was scheduled for an 8 p.m. start Tuesday night. Eight o'clock came and went. So did eight-thirty. So did nine o'clock. Fans waited, and waited, and waited, and the singer finally came out on stage around 10:30 p.m. That was too late to stick around for some fans.
“I don’t know who you think you are Madonna, but you stink,” Debbie Bleznak told CBS on her way out of the show. “We left. You can pay my babysitter.”
“We drove here seven hours from Buffalo, New York,” two sisters, who also opted to leave, added. “$170 a ticket.”

Saturday, September 1, 2012

SILVER ALERT (MISSING Woman) Fayetteville-CAPE Fear Valley Medical Center


A Silver Alert has been issued for a Fayetteville woman who the N.C. Center for Missing Persons described as missing and endangered.
Rebecca Gay Butler, 38, is believed to be suffering from dementia or some other cognitive impairment. She was last seen at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center.
Butler is described as a white woman who is 5-foot-1 and weighs 110 pounds with shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes. She was last seen wearing an olive green shirt and pants.
Anyone with on her whereabouts is asked to call the Fayetteville Police Department at 433-1802.

MISSING (FEMALE Dawn Merck 24) CAR Found Deerfield BEACH


Broward Sheriff's Office missing persons detectives are helping Georgia law enforcement look for a missing woman whose vehicle was found Wednesday night in Deerfield Beach.
Ivy Dawn Merck, 24, was last seen Aug. 23 in Kingsland, Ga., detectives said.
Merck's dark green 2008 Honda CRV was found around 10 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot of a Marshalls store at 3850 W. Hillsboro Blvd., in Deerfield Beach.