

Friday, September 28, 2012

FILMMAKER (GOES to Federal Prison) Nakoula Basseley Probation Violation

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The mystery surrounding the man behind the crudely produced anti-Islamic video that sparked violence in the Middle East deepened when he appeared in court and identified himself by yet another name.
Arrested on Thursday after authorities said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula told a judge his real name was Mark Basseley Youseff. He said he'd been using that name since 2002, even though he went by Nakoula in his fraud case.
The full story about Nakoula and the video "Innocence of Muslims" still isn't known more than two weeks after violence erupted in Egypt and Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi. Violence related to the film has since spread, killing dozens more.
Citing a lengthy pattern of deception and the potential to flee, U.S. Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ordered Nakoula to remain in prison without bond until another judge can hold a hearing to determine if he broke the terms of his probation.
"The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time," Segal said.
Prosecutors noted Nakoula had eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases. He could face new charges that carry a maximum two-year prison term.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

TUCSON Az ( FATAL SHOOTING outside Eegee's) Oracle Rd.

Law & Order Briefs

2012-09-27T17:45:00Z2012-09-27T17:58:19ZMan fatally shot at north-side restaurant is ID'dCarmen Duarte Arizona Daily StarArizona Daily Star
Police have identified a man who was fatally shot Wednesday outside a north-side fast-food restaurant.
Police identifed the man as Jose Carlos Gonzales, 29.
Gonzales was shot shortly after 5 p.m. in the parking lot of Eegee's, 3872 N. Oracle Road, said Sgt. Chris Widmer, a Tucson Police Department spokesman.
The shooter and Gonzales had arrived in the parking lot in separate vehicles. Both men met in the parking lot and a fight broke out. One of the men pulled out a gun and fired, Widmer said.
Witnesses told investigators that the shooter ran south on Oracle, leaving his vehicle in the parking lot. Detectives have identified a person of interest in the shooting, but his name was not released Thursday.
The vehicle that Gonzales had been in had other occupants who drove off, Widmer said. They struck another vehicle as they left, but no injuries were reported from that incident.
A police helicopter and canine units scoured the surrounding neighborhood in search of the shooter, but police did not find him.
Detectives were working to gather information about how the victim and suspect knew each other, and what the shooter's motive was.

TUCSON AZ (Armed ROBBERY Suspect) Good Picture- Do you know him?

Police release photo of man sought in Tucson robberies
                                                          BILLY THE  KID

2012-09-27T12:36:00ZPolice release photo of man sought in Tucson robberiesKimberly Matas, Arizona Daily StarArizona Daily Star

A man police say is a serial robber has struck again and this time there’s a clear surveillance photo.
The man is suspected of robbing Car Cash Pawn Stars, 3540 N. Oracle Road, near West Prince Road, about 6:15 Monday evening. He entered the store and looked around before pulling a handgun on the employee and ordering the worker to the floor, said Sgt. Chris Widmer, a spokesman for the Tucson Police Department.
“The employee was able to activate the business’ alarm system as the robbery started,” Widmer said.
The suspect tied up the employee and then began gathering merchandise, but fled empty handed when police officers arrived.
Detectives believe the gunman has been involved in at least four other armed robberies since July. He is described as 18 to 22 years old, standing 5-foot6 to 5-foot-9 and weighing between 140 and 160 pounds.
Anyone with information should call 911 or 88-CRIME.

PHOENIX (FILMMAKER arrested For FAKE Terrorist ATTACK) SEE Video

It does make you think????(what if)???

PHOENIX (Woman faking Breast cancer to raise money for Breast implants) Gets 1 yr in JAIL

Phoenix, AZ (KPHO) -- A Phoenix woman who pleaded guilty to faking breast cancer to raise money for breast implants was sentenced to one year in jail Wednesday for felony theft in a case the prosecution called "appalling."

Jami Lynn Toler will spend one year in jail, minus only two days for time served, and must pay back the $8,000 she raised under the guise of a cancer patient who claimed to need a mastectomy and breast reconstruction.

Toler pleaded guilty to the felony Aug. 22 in Maricopa County Superior Court. She initially pleaded not guilty.

Police reports show Toler told her former boss she needed a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction and was uninsured. She also told the same story to her mother and grandparents.

Read more: http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/national/jami-lynn-toler-fake-breast-cancer-phoenix-woman-pleads-guilty-to-faking-breast-cancer#ixzz27gRJBZNJ

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

TUCSON AZ ( 3 Robberies ON MONDAY) DO You Know Them ?

3 robberies

2012-09-26T18:17:00Z2012-09-26T18:28:32ZTucson police said 2 men robbed 3 places in one nightArizona Daily StarArizona Daily Star
39 minutes ago
Tucson police are looking for two men involved in three separate armed robberies Monday.
Both men were carrying handguns and used physical force on their victims, police said in a news release.
• Just before 10 p.m., three employees were leaving through the back door of the Department of Economic Security building at 5443 East 22nd Street when they were approached by two men with guns. They ordered the three to give them money. The victims ran but one was caught and beaten by the robbers.
• At about 10:15 p.m., two men robbed the El Rio Health Clinic at 6950 East Golf Links Road. One of them struck a victim on the head with a gun.
• Just before 11 p.m., two men robbed the Pizza Hut at 4710 East Speedway. One employee was hit on the head with a gun.
Both robbers are in their 20s. One is about 6-feet-5-inches tall with a muscular build. The second is about 5-feet-10-inches tall and weighs about 190 pounds. They had their faces covered during the robberies.

MAN THROWS BACK (500,000 Dollar Bluefin Tuna) NO Permit -OUT of Season

Along with monstrous tuna, fisherman sees giant payday slip away

By: Pete Thomas, GrindTV.com

Imagine Ivan Regular's surprise when he hauled in his herring net and discovered that it contained a monstrous bluefin tuna that might have been worth a small fortune on the Japanese market ... only to learn that he had to throw the whopper back.

The remarkable haul was made in the North Atlantic off the Newfoundland coast and here's the catch: Regular, from the island town of Baie Verte, did not possess a license to fish for tuna, and it was caught out of season.

Because of this he was ordered by Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans to leave the tuna in the ocean, even though the fish was already dead, and where this smarts most is in the wallet.

Atlantic bluefin, which are endangered, can be fished for only seasonally under strict guidelines. Bluefin caught out of season, even incidentally, must be thrown back. This rule is designed to keep the number of incidental catches to a minimum.

These fish, because of their fatty flesh, are extremely valuable in Japanese sushi restaurants.

Last January a 593-pound bluefin sold in a Japanese fish market for a record-setting price of $736,000.

Regular didn't get a weight on his behemoth but said that based on what other bluefin have sold for, he believes his might have been worth as much as $500,000. He claimed even to have had a prospective buyer lined up, but was told by the DFO that any sale would be illegal.

"That would have been a wonderful fall for us," the herring fisherman told CBC News.

But, he added, there was no point in dwelling on what might have been.

"I think fishermen got the best sense of humor of anybody that's in the working force," he said. "That's all you can have in this racket, the fishery. You got to have a good sense of humor."

Translation: There's no point in crying over what might have been.