

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Palm Springs Woman ( Goes to jail for threatening President Obama ) Don't drink and tweet

Palm Springs woman charged with threatening President Obama

She is accused of threatening the President via Twitter and Facebook

POSTED: 04:47 PM PST Feb 22, 2013 UPDATED: 05:19 PM PST Feb 22, 2013
A California woman has been indicted on a charge she posted threatening statements about President Barack Obama and his family on her Twitter feed and Facebook page while she was visiting New Orleans.
Friday's one-count indictment charges 32-year-old Felisha Monet Mitchell of Palm Springs with threatening the president, a charge punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Click the box on the left to view a one of the threatening tweets.
Others (not pictured) include:
"@BarackObama my grass roots don't speak, we will kill you."
"I will be happy when I'm president and Obama is dead this year"
"Whoever kills him is getting a monetary award not jail time cause America surrenders duh. That's the risk"
Federal prosecutors say Mitchell used her cellphone to post the alleged threats in January.
Mitchell was arrested earlier this month and ordered held in custody.
Her Twitter handle, @MonetChic, is still active, and every tweet in question can still be accessed by the public.

Bogota Colombia ( Police find 3 tons of marijuana in a truck ) 1.7 million worth

Bogota police seize 3 tons of marijuana
Bogota police Wednesday discovered more than three tons of marijuana valued on the street at almost $1.7 million.
The pot was stashed inside a truck parked inside a fruit warehouse.
The seizure comes after a five-month investigation into drug distribution in the city and marks the largest seizure within Bogota in a decade, reported a police commander to El Colombiano.
Agents received tips from locals about the warehouse situated in the Patio Bonito neighborhood in southwestern Bogota. The truck contained three thousand packages of marijuana weighing one kilo each, according to colonel Camilo Cabana with the metropolitan police.
No suspects have been apprehended related to this seizure.
It is believed that the delivery was targeted for the street known as "el Bronx," to subsequently be distributed in different "ollas" or "pots" of the city, reported El Tiempo. The pun does not function in Spanish.
Last year 358 tons of marijuana were confiscated in Colombia. So far this year 40 tons have been seized, said general Luis Perez, director of the anti-narcotics police

Colombia ( 13 yr old Boy killed over 10 cents in Bogota) Robbery

Teen murdered over 10 cents in Bogota
200 pesos
A 13-year-old boy was killed on Saturday after refusing to give 200 pesos (ten cents) to a thief in Colombia's capital city of Bogota.
According to police, the boy, Nicolas Acosta Piña, was waiting for some friends in the capital's Kennedy district when two young men approached him and asked for a 200 peso coin. When the boy said he did not have the coin, one of the robbers stabbed him eight times.
The perpetrators fled the scene, but friends of the boy chased down and caught the alleged murderer, while others helped the 13-year-old boy to the hospital.
The victim was taken to a local hospital in Kennedy, but doctors were unable to save him due to the severity of the stabbing.
The perpetrator, aged 16, was placed under arrest on Saturday and confessed to the crime. He allegedly said that the attack occurred in part because he was in "a state of unconciousness" due to marijuana consumtion.
A judge ordered that the 16-year-old suspect be sent to a correctional center while a formal ruling is made.
The judge said the perpetrator had a criminal record that included assault charges and illegal drug possession. According to reports, he recently fled from a drug rehabilitation center.
Initital reports indicated that the 16-year-old could spend between four and eight years in prison for the crime of stabbing the young Nicolas to death.

TUCSON Az ( VANDALS wanted by Coronado park officials ) see photo

Vandals sought by Coronado park officials

Posted: Feb 22, 2013 5:17 PM

The following is a release from the National Park Service:
The National Park Service is seeking the public's assistance in the investigation of a crime that
occurred in Coronado National Memorial on February 1, 2013. At approximately 5 p.m., unknown
subjects vandalized rocks located near the entrance of Coronado Cave.
Anyone with any information about the vandalism is encouraged to contact the park at 520-366-5515, ext. 2532 and
leave a confidential message.
Remote cameras placed in the area to monitor resource activity captured photos of the individuals. The NPS is seeking help in identifying these two people who may be able to provide
information for the investigation. Anyone that can provide the identity of these people is also asked
to contact the park at 520-366-5515, ext. 2532.
The NPS is entrusted with the preservation and protection of America's national treasures. Your
assistance today will help ensure the special features of the memorial continue to be preserved for
future generations to enjoy.

Missouri ( Director of CAIR wants Americans Punished for insulting Islam )

Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law

via zTruth: Faizan Syed, director of CAIR Missouri, wants to punish those who insult Islam with sharia law!
Last August, the director of CAIR St. Louis, Faizan Syed, wrote about his ideas for monitoring social media titled Social Media Task Force. Sayed wants to create a Muslim youth association who would aggresively monitor the media. What really stood out was this statement under the section “I have few suggestions to make in this regard” (5th bullet):
“Report anti Islamic and anti Muslim content on the internet to appropriate authorities to take action to remove it and go after those who post it online and prosecute and take actions according to the Shariah ruling.”
Take action according to the Sharia ruling? Humm… in some countries this could mean death.
Simply astonishing.

Kansas Wichita ( Islamic Society of Wichita )


KANSAS.com (h/t Creeping Sharia) The Islamic Society of Wichita has rezoned about five acres of land near its mosque at K-96 and Woodlawn. The society sought general office zoning in preparation for development that could include an apartment complex, an office complex, a medical clinic and a financial institution.

“It’s not about making money,” says Muhammad Aamir Usmani, director of the society’s board of development. “It’s about supporting our existing services.” (That’s what Muslim separatists always say in every country in which they plan to demand their own Islamic state within a state sometime in the future)


Usmani says the society first started building on the almost 9-acre property in 2000. “Initially, we had a gym,” he says. It served as a multipurpose building. Then, the group added a mosque and a school followed by another building.

The latest building is a new school for pre-K through eighth grade. Fundraising is under way for a high school to be built on the second floor. (The real funding likely will be laundered from Saudi Arabia) “Our goal is to start ninth (grade) in August,” Usmani says. He says while there are tuition fees, the society still needs to raise money for education and outreach programs to the community (aka DAWAH – promotion of Islam throughout the non-Muslim community).

Muslims were outraged when the anti-sharia bill was signed into law by Goc. Sam Brownbeck
Muslims were outraged when the anti-sharia bill was signed into law by Governor Sam Brownbeck

“We need to keep doing that and possibly expand it. . . . There are a lot of programs that are supported by the community.” Usmani says 600 to 800 people regularly attend the mosque. (But with Obama importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims every year, they need to prepare)

“There’s a lot of expenditure.” That’s why he says the society is seeking additional sources of revenue. (That’s right, keep pretending that you are not funded by foreign entities) “We need to make sure we start raising some funds so we can support our services to the community.” A 2-story apartment complex is a possibility.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mexico Juarez ( Homicide - man and woman found dead outside car- mans head was on car )

2 bodies found in burned vehicle in Juarez; head was on car

Reporter: Marisela
Ortega Lozano
The bodies of a man and a woman were found inside a charred vehicle parked in a Juárez neighborhood late Wednesday night, state officials said.
The man was decapitated and his head was found on top of the car, a 1990 Jeep Cherokee left at Leona Vicario and Ricardo Flores streets in the Manuel Valdez neighborhood, said a spokesperson for the Chihuahua Attorney General's Office in Juárez.
Forensic experts did not know the victims' ages or other details. The investigation continues.
Marisela Ortega Lozano maybe reached at mortega@elpasotimes.com; 542-6077.