A newspaper seller was executed to death by the Lola Beltran Boulevard Norma Corona Boulevard in Golden Meadow colony.
The events occurred this morning at 7:45 o'clock, the victim was Paulino Lopez Valenzuela 43.
According to reports indicate that the deceased was intercepted by a late model truck red Tacoma, which was driven by a woman. She made contact with the victim from inside a van which was occupied with anothet individual who repeatedly shot Paulino Lopez Valenzuela taking his life.
His body had more than five shots in the chest and face, they found (2) 380 rounds were found on the ground at the crime scene, so far no suspects have been arrested.
Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene and gave first aid but unfortunately he lost his life.
Read more: http://www.elblogdelnarco.com/2013/06/voceador-ejecutado-en-culiacan-los.html # ixzz2WQ31maEm
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The events occurred this morning at 7:45 o'clock, the victim was Paulino Lopez Valenzuela 43.
According to reports indicate that the deceased was intercepted by a late model truck red Tacoma, which was driven by a woman. She made contact with the victim from inside a van which was occupied with anothet individual who repeatedly shot Paulino Lopez Valenzuela taking his life.
His body had more than five shots in the chest and face, they found (2) 380 rounds were found on the ground at the crime scene, so far no suspects have been arrested.
Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene and gave first aid but unfortunately he lost his life.
Read more: http://www.elblogdelnarco.com/2013/06/voceador-ejecutado-en-culiacan-los.html # ixzz2WQ31maEm
Follow us: @ MundoNarco on Twitter