

Monday, September 9, 2013

Police arrest ( George Zimmerman has been arrested - Gun charge ) pulled his weapon


George Zimmerman's wife files for divorce
George Zimmerman has been arrested and is currently in police custody in Central Florida.
Clickorlando.com reported in the last few minutes that the Lake Mary police confirmed that they were called to an address on Sprucewood Road this afternoon.
The report which followed said that Zimmerman was involved in some kind of altercation and that he pulled his gun in a threatening manner, on another person.
George Zimmerman’s arrest today comes just one day after his wife Shellie filed for divorce.
There are no further details about today’s arrest of George Zimmerman. This article will be updated when further updates are availiable

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/942668/george-zimmerman-arrested-gun-involved-breaking/#SBJXi3oQ4xvPfIXV.99


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arkansas (.107-Year-Old Man Dies in Shootout With SWAT Team. ) See shoot-out

School News ( The latest in the middle east - get the hell off your cell phone )


Field of dreams ( The laws of physics do not apply in this back yard )


Soccer Game ( What are you doing later after the game - Lets hook up )


Iowa ( officials in Iowa say they have been granting weapons permits to blind people ) Hmm

In what might seem to be an alarming development in the gun control debate, officials in Iowa say they have been granting weapons permits to blind people.

According to the Des Moines Register, the Polk County Sheriff's Office says it has issued permits to at least three people who "can’t legally drive and were unable to read the application forms or had difficulty doing so because of visual impairments." And officials in at least three other counties say they have granted permits to visually impaired residents because state law forbids sheriffs from denying the right to carry a weapon based on a physical disability.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mexico City ( 69-Year-Old Mexican Woman Chases, Runs Over Man Who Robbed Her Husband )

MEXICO CITY – A 69-year-old Mexican woman driving an SUV chased and ran over a thief who had previously robbed her husband of 45,000 pesos ($3,400), police in this capital said.

Mexico City’s Public Safety Secretariat said in a communique that the incident occurred after the couple withdrew the cash at a bank and drove away.

The couple was intercepted by a car “from which an individual got out carrying a firearm, with which he threatened the man in the passenger seat and demanded the cash,” the secretariat said.

After the first refusal, the assailant struck the husband, 59, grabbed the money from him and returned to his car with the loot and tried to escape.

The police communique said the wife “would not stand for the attack on her husband” and set out after the assailant, who as a result crashed his car into a tree.

The thief got out of his car, shot at the woman and tried to escape on foot, but she sped toward him, knocked him down and ran the car over his legs.

The assailant, who was arrested, had “exposed fractures in both legs,” the communique added.

At the site of the incident, cops confiscated the cash and a .380-caliber pistol. The woman driver was taken into custody.