Photo: Officer Sacked
A young woman, dressed in denim shorts and blue blouse, left her home, located a short distance from the prison and met one of the officers of the van number 2037 of the police unit’s official vehicle on the south side of the Meridano prison. The van was parked near the front door, and under surveillance, around 16:00 pm on Wednesday October 23 this year. For several minutes the officer and his partner were video taped at the site and were seen by many people, one of who took a video of the “activities” of the officers. The officer got out of the van and first spoke to the woman, sitting on the rear fender of the vehicle. The other policeman, according to witnesses, was left inside the cab of the truck. Next the officer took off his belt, which carried his gun and put it in the truck.
Later there was a sexual encounter with the girl. “Look, see how our tax money work,” was the comment when recording the incident. The tape was provided to a representative of Megamedia Group.The Media Corporation reported that they received the video in which a officer is shown in the company of a woman performing immoral acts. The Department of Internal Affairs opened a investigation and identified the Third Police Ucán David Raymundo Vazquez, 31 years old, with eight years of service. It turned over the case to the Honor and Justice Commission of the Secretariat who also made disposition of the Third Police Commission Benjamin Gaspar Sanchez, who was responsible for the official unit. The officer was immediately fired.