

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23-24, 2014 Camelopardalids ( meteor shower in the early morning hours )

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 May 23-24, 2014 Camelopardalids
The peak night of the predicted Camelopardalid meteor shower is May 23-24, 2014. Because of the time predicted for the meteor display, observers in southern Canada and the continental U.S. are especially well positioned to see the meteors in the early morning hours of May 24 (or late at night on May 23). Will the predictions hold true? They are not always 100% reliable, which is why, no matter where you are on Earth, this shower is worth a try around the night of May 23-24. The meteors will radiate from the constellation Camelopardalis (camelopard), a very obscure northern constellation. Its name is derived from early Rome, where it was thought of as a composite creature, described as having characteristics of both a camel and a leopard. Nowadays we call such a creature a giraffe! Since meteor in annual showers take their names from the constellation from which they appear to radiate – and since this meteor shower might become an annual event – people are already calling it the Camelopardalids. This constellation – radiant point of the May 2014 meteor shower – is in the northern sky, close to the north celestial pole, making this meteor shower better for the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern Hemisphere. Models suggest that the best viewing hours for this new meteor shower are between 6 and 8 UTC on May 24. That is between 2 and 4 a.m. EDT (1-3 a.m. CDT and so on … translate to your time zone here).

Mexico ( Mexican Authorities Rescue 35 from Kidnappers )

MEXICO CITY – Five people were arrested in an operation to free 35 captives in the southern state of Guerrero, a Mexican federal official said.

The rescue was carried out May 13 near the village of Huasquial, anti-kidnapping task force coordinator Renato Sales said.

Marines, Guerrero state police and agents from the federal Attorney General’s Office found 24 men and 11 women with their hands bound, he said.

The four men and a woman guarding the captives were taken into custody.

Sales said the suspects confessed to being part of a criminal outfit active in the Tierra Caliente region, which straddles the states of Guerrero, Michoacan and Mexico.

The captives, including a pregnant woman and a minor, were taken to a secure location where they received food, medical attention and psychological counseling, he said, adding that a number of them were suffering from malnutrition, anemia and untreated injuries.

Several had been in captivity for as long as six months, according to sources in the AG’s office, who said the gang continued to hold some captives even after their families paid ransoms.

Arrest warrants have been issued for four other suspects, the sources said.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Phoenix Az ( Sex Offender "wanted " for taking picture up girls skirt ) see photo

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Man " wanted by police " for taking pictures up - girls skirt ( Happened at bank).

Chad ( Obama sends 80 U.S. troops to Chad to search for Nigerian Girls )

By on May 22, 2014 at 10:36am in Barack Obama, Boko Haram, Chad, Nigeria                    

Mothers of Nigerian abducted schoolgirls
This move is an absolute masterpiece of style over substance. The girls were not from Chad, but from Nigeria. Does the U.S. government have any reason to believe that they are now in Chad? No, this isn’t based on any new intelligence. These 80 troops will fly reconnaissance missions to look for the girls. But what does a kidnapped schoolgirl who has been forcibly converted to Islam and married to a jihadist look like from the air? They know the girls have been dispersed, which only emphasizes that this initiative is about as useful as Michelle Obama’s hashtag campaign.
“80 U.S. troops in Chad will aid search for abducted Nigerian girls,” by Faith Karimi and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN, May 22, 2014:

BUENOS AIRES ( Narco-Pizzeria” That Sold Drugs in "deep dish pizza" ) busted

BUENOS AIRES – Argentine police on Wednesday busted a band of drug traffickers who sold marijuana and cocaine at a “narco-pizzeria,” hiding the illegal merchandise in the food and alerting their drug customers to that fact by using the name of actress Dolores Fonzi, authorities said.

The band ran a shop in Lanus, on the outskirts of the capital, where police found 83 grams of cocaine, 83 grams of marijuana, a revolver, a shotgun, photos of the actress and 2,500 pesos ($310) in cash.

Lanus police chief Fabian Perroni told reporters that three people were arrested – two men and a woman – and they “used the pizzeria as a front ... (and that) they had classified their customers” into two groups, one group to whom they offered the drug menu and the other to whom they showed a “clean” menu.

On the drug menu, a “Dolores Fonzi empanada,” a type of meat-filled pastry or pie, cost 50 pesos ($6) while the “special” mozzarella pizza served up with three small bags of drugs cost 100 pesos ($12).

The police chief said that the actress, the wife of Mexican actor Gabriel Garcia Bernal, could file suit against the owners of the pizza shop for linking her name and her image with drug sales.

Last month, Fonzi had expressed her support for the law legalizing marijuana in Uruguay and admitted that she was a regular pot user.

GUATEMALA CITY ( Baby Rescued from Kidnappers in Guatemala )

GUATEMALA CITY – Guatemalan police on Tuesday rescued safe and sound an 18-month-old girl who had been kidnapped last week in a neighborhood on the northern outskirts of the country’s capital.

The little girl was found inside a home in the Santa Faz neighborhood of Chinautla, but the abductors managed to escape after they noticed the presence of law enforcement personnel in the vicinity, police said in a statement.

The criminals, and authorities are not certain precisely how many of them were involved in the plot, escaped via a ravine, according to the terse police report.

The child’s kidnapping was reported on May 13 by the father, who said that it occurred while she was playing in the yard of their residence in Alameda, a poor zone in northern Guatemala City.

Police did not specify who was with the baby at the time of the abduction or the circumstances under which the crime occurred.

The authorities said only that the criminals were demanding 50,000 quetzales ($6,476) in cash for the child’s return without mentioning whether or not anything was paid to them.

After her rescue, the little girl was returned to her relatives, the police communique said.