

Monday, April 27, 2015

Mexican Students Burn Cars in Front of Guerrero Congress Building

A group of students in Mexico's Chilpancingo city, in Guerrero, set fire to vehicles outside the regional Congress building and carried out other acts of vandalism, after a march in solidarity with 43 students missing for seven months.
A group of 800 marchers, led by the parents of the missing, unionists and students from several states left Chilpancingo at 1pm on Sunday and reached the gates of the Congress at 2.30pm.

Yoga for "Dogs"!

Cop disrespects the U.S. Flag. No respect for America ( No salute ) ?

Iran - Poverty and impoverishment forced an entire family to commit suicide

The entire family of three committed suicide by poisoning themselves
In the clerical regime ruled Iran, and while the country’s elite plunder billions of dollars with unaccountable wealth, the entire members of a family of three in Ivan Township; west of Iran were forced to take their lives due to poverty and lack of the basic and minimum needs a human being for survival. 
According to the local news agency, all three members of a family including the father and two young children committed suicide on Friday, April 24 in the Ivan Township, western Iran. 
It is reported that the father of the family poisoned himself and his two young children to relieve himself and his innocent kids of the miserable life of pain of poverty.