

Monday, August 6, 2012

83,541 MURDERS (In 6 years Mexico ) Drug Cartel Violence

El Diario. 8-4-2012. Despite the fact that for months there has been talk of 60,000 homicides during the current federal administration, the truth is that just from the day the Felipe Calderon Hinojosa took office, until December 31, 2011, there were 83,541 murders reported, according to exhaustive research carried out by El Diario. These official facts were provided by the Public Ministries (PM) (local investigating and prosecuting authorities) of 28 states through the Sistema de Transparencia (literally, Transparency System; legislation similar to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act or public records access laws), which is why they are reliable numbers. In addition, the statistic of 83,541 murders is lower than the actual total numbers because authorities from four federal entities (states) refused to provide information on their homicides.
borderland beat

Of the number of victims (reported) up to last December, 7,017, or 8.4%, were females; state authorities could not determine the sex of 184 bodies due to the conditions under which they were found.
Persons in the 21 to 30 year age group have been the most affected by violent deaths.
Based on the reports obtained by El Diario, it was established that the states with the most homicides to date have been: Chihuahua, with 16,592; State of Mexico, 8,602; Sinaloa, with 7,443; Guerrero, 7,257; and Michoacan, with 5,045 (homicides). As recently as November, 2011, the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed in its report that in Mexico homicides are concentrated in a small number of states: Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Guerrero, and Baja California." It also established a clear link "between crime and development," when it pointed out that countries with wide income disparities are four times more likely to be affected by violent crime than more equitable societies.

The 83,541 crimes reported to the end of this previous year in this six year term are equivalent to the combined population of the municipalities of Valle de Zaragoza, Uruachi, Urique, El Tule, Satevo, Santa Barbara, Ojinaga, Riva Palacio and Guadalupe in the state of Chihuahua, according to the 2010 census from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

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