Borderland Beat
"We are very afraid, no police and we are at the mercy of thugs, because there are just a few of the Judicial police who we do not want to leave..."
El Diario and various media outlets reported last summer, during July and August, that the entire police force of Guadalupe y Calvo deserted when gunmen from the Sinaloa cartel overtook the area.
"Last night the municipal police ran out, everyone left, like 40 policemen, including commanders and principals, all surrendered their weapons and left because the gunmen threatened them and right now there is nobody to care for citizens".
"Here the army does nothing, there are armed people everywhere, we know that there are many of Sinaloa gunmen but they do not stop them, "We need help, the authorities know that the citizens of Guadalupe y Calvo are in danger."
Towns people also said that for months the criminal group of Joaquin El Chapo",Guzman Loera, " was maintaining control of Guadalupe y Calvo, and that between 26 and 29 of July they took up arms to all agents, who charged 10,000 pesos per weapon to recover.
This information was denied by the Attorney General. In a statement, the agency reported that "there is no evidence on that group, no incidents have been reported, while they continued the ordinary coordinating with state forces military personnel stationed in the region of Chihuahua.
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