Spokesman Michael Pooley with Tempe police said they didn’t find anything Thursday.
The 19-year-old ASU freshman was last seen Friday night leaving Tempe Marketplace after he was asked to leave the Cadillac Ranch bar, according to police.
His wallet and cell phone were left at the business.
But Pooley said Culolias was not seen leaving the bar or parking lot in surveillance videos.
Investigators have talked to fraternity members Culolias was with Friday night and say they've gotten conflicting information.
Culolias was reportedly celebrating the start of ASU's Hell Week. He was a pledge for Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Thursday morning’s search got help from four K-9 teams from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
The ground search went from around the McClintock bridge to almost Dobson Road along the lake near the ASU Tempe campus.
A shoe was found along the river bank the other day, and Pooley said it’s still being processed.
He said police hope to learn by next week if the shoe belongs to Culolias.
About 200 students and concerned residents came to the area near Tempe Marketplace late Wednesday night to hold hands and pray.
Anyone with any information regarding Culolias is encouraged to contact Tempe police by calling 480-350-8311, or you can submit a tip anonymously online on tempe.gov.
The 19-year-old ASU freshman was last seen Friday night leaving Tempe Marketplace after he was asked to leave the Cadillac Ranch bar, according to police.
His wallet and cell phone were left at the business.
But Pooley said Culolias was not seen leaving the bar or parking lot in surveillance videos.
Investigators have talked to fraternity members Culolias was with Friday night and say they've gotten conflicting information.
Culolias was reportedly celebrating the start of ASU's Hell Week. He was a pledge for Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Thursday morning’s search got help from four K-9 teams from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
The ground search went from around the McClintock bridge to almost Dobson Road along the lake near the ASU Tempe campus.
A shoe was found along the river bank the other day, and Pooley said it’s still being processed.
He said police hope to learn by next week if the shoe belongs to Culolias.
About 200 students and concerned residents came to the area near Tempe Marketplace late Wednesday night to hold hands and pray.
Anyone with any information regarding Culolias is encouraged to contact Tempe police by calling 480-350-8311, or you can submit a tip anonymously online on tempe.gov.
Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/tempe/jack-culolias-search-called-off-by-tempe-police-asu-student-still-missing#ixzz2EJq1ks8j
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